Sweco to study power shortage in Lesotho
The acute shortage of electric power in many parts of southern Africa is creating hinders for the development of both businesses and society. Sweco has been commissioned to study the opportunities to improve the situation in Lesotho.
”Sweco is involved in a number of similar consulting assignments both in and outside Sweden. There is a keen demand for our technical expertise in connection with upgrading, optimisation and expansion of power plants,” says Eva Nygren, President of Sweco Sweden.
At present Lesotho has a single hydropower plant, Muela, that supplies the country with nearly its entire electric power requirement. Sweco has been chosen to study the potential to improve productivity in the existing power station and prepare an expansion plan to increase its capacity nearly twofold, from the current 72 MW to 130 MW. The goal is to become self-sufficient and avoid the power rationing being used to ease the shortage in southern Africa.
The contract is worth over EUR 1.1 million and is being carried out on behalf of Lesotho Highland Commission.
Anna Elisabeth Olsson
Head of Press and Public Affairs