Operating in the centre of the green transition


With 1,300 architects working in eight European countries, Sweco is one of the world’s largest firms within architecture and urban planning.

Operating in the centre of the green transition we believe in co-creating solutions together with our clients to find answers that addresses urbanisation, capturing the power digitalisation and make our societies more sustainable and resilient. Staying close to our clients is a prerequisite and we offer architectural services across a broad range of areas:

Housing – Healthcare – Retail – Offices – Education – Leisure and Sports – Infrastructure – Industry – Defence facilities

Always with the possibility to take a comprehensive approach by using all our architectural competences within Urban planning – Landscape Architecture – Building Architecture – Interior Architecture – Cultural Heritage and Lighting Design.



An integrated architectural and engineering consultancy

As an integrated architectural and engineering consultancy, Sweco can offer the collective knowledge of 22,000 architects, engineers and other community building specialists from offices in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden. Combining global expertise with local understanding, we work with what has already been built and what does not yet exist.

We are grounded in the idea, that our ability to create good environments to live, work and thrive in is far more important than a trendy design. Our focus lies with people, culture, context, materials, light and sustainability.

Our studios

Gjörwellsgatan 22
120 60 Stockholm
+46 8 695 60 00

Ørestads Boulevard 41
2300 København S
+45 7220 7207

Franklinstrasse 28/29
10587 Berlin
+49 (0)30 700 182-0

Ilmalantori 4
00240 Helsinki
+358 (0) 20 7393000

Sagveien 23C
0459 Oslo
+47 982 10 752

De Holle Bilt 22, 3732 HM De Bilt
Postbus 203, 3730 AE De Bilt
+31 88 811 66 00

Brugsesteenweg 210
8800 Roeselare
+32 51 26 20 20