Code of Conduct

Responsible and ethical business conduct is a top priority for Sweco. We set high standards for ourselves and our business partners.

A responsibility for everyone at Sweco

Together with our clients Sweco’s engineers, architects and experts work on projects that impact societies as well as people’s everyday lives.

In our decentralised organisation, our employees have a high level of autonomy to run their own projects and business relationships. With this freedom comes great responsibility for each Sweco employee to understand and live by laws, regulations and Sweco’s policies.

We only undertake projects that we regard as having been procured in a business ethical manner, respecting human rights and with zero tolerance for child labour.

We believe that our impact on society is not only achieved by the results of our projects, but also by the way we act as a business. We expect the same high standards from our suppliers and business partners.

Code of Conduct

With about 22,000 employees, working on 150,000 projects, our Code of Conduct is key to ensuring that everyone is aligned with our view on business ethics. It describes the importance of doing business in an ethical way, and how we work to comply with our high standards and legal requirements. All employees receive training on our Code of Conduct and sign it on an annual basis.

Sweco’s Code of Conduct ensures compliance with, for example:

  • UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Code of Ethics formulated by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)
  • UN’s Global Compact Principles
  • Zero tolerance of child labour
  • Local and international legislation on fraud, corruption, and bribes

The engineers and architects of Sweco work on projects that impact society and people’s everyday life at a global scale. While the results are important, the way we work to get there is just as important.

Clarity, transparency, and accountability in these important matters are fundamental to our long-term success.

For our suppliers and business partners, we have a dedicated Supplier & Business Partner Code of ConductFor more information on our requirements on business partners, please click here 

The people of Sweco work on projects that impact society at a global scale. The results are just as important as the way we work to get there.

Sweco Ethics Line

The Sweco Ethics Line is a phone and web-based service that provides the option of anonymously reporting suspected

1. Non-compliance with Sweco’s Code of Conduct or Supplier & Business Partner Code of Conduct, and

2. In a work-related context, information on misconduct where there is a public interest of its disclosure, or

3. In a work-related context, information on conduct that is contrary to the objective or purpose of the provisions of directly applicable EU law.

If you suspect non-compliance at Sweco, in our supply chain or our Business Partner and want to report it, please click here and use the access code 09973. When reporting via Sweco Ethics Line, follow-up, investigation and feedback is carried out internally by Sweco’s authorized persons or entities.

Reporting of 2. and 3. may also be made through competent authorities’ external reporting channels and, where applicable, to EU institutions, bodies or agencies. Follow-up, investigation and feedback, take place in such reporting instead by the competent authority.

For further information about these channels, please click here (for information on other countries’ external channels, please visit Sweco’s local web sites).

The statutory protection of the reporting person is the same, irrespective of reporting channel used.

For more information on how Sweco Processes your personal data when you  file a report through Ethics Line, please read the Sweco Ethics Line privacy notice.


Want to learn more about Sweco’s prioritised work with compliance?

staircase in sustainable building

Sustainability work

We work with our clients to change society in a sustainable way.

A couple taking an evening walk surrounded by greenery

Meet our people

Our most valuable asset is our employees – the best in the industry.