Analyst information

The following analysts monitor the development of and regularly issue research publications about Sweco.

Johan Dahl

Danske Bank, Equity Research

Johan Sundén

Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ)

Fredrik Lithell


Dan Johansson

SEB Equities

Raymond Ke


Stefan Knutsson

ABG Sundal Collier

Tom Guinchard

Pareto Securities AB

Ebba Bjorklid

DNB Bank

Anders Jåfs

Kepler Cheuvreux

Adela Dashian


Invest in Sweco

We have a market leading position in Europe and are well-positioned for future profitable growth.

The building Lustgården in Stockholm, Sweden

The Sweco share

Sweco’s shares have been traded on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1998.

IR contacts

If you have any questions, please reach out to our IR team.