Business partner portal

All information for Sweco’s current and potential business partners


General requirements, partners

For Sweco, sound and sustainable business practices are the foundation of our relationships with Business Partners. We developed our Business Partner Programme to ensure compliance with our high ethical standards. This page provides information and documents that form the basis of our Business Partner Programme and which all potential Sweco Business Partners are required to accept.

Sweco’s procedures for risk management regarding suppliers and tenders regulate whether Sweco will submit a tender for a project and ensures responsible conduct throughout the course of the project.

  1. Learn more about Sweco’s prioritised work with Compliance
  2. Compliance documents


Supplier & Business Partner Code of Conduct

At Sweco, we are committed to sustainability, ethics, human rights, and environmental responsibility. All suppliers and business partners are expected to adhere to the same principles in their own operations and, in turn, towards their suppliers and business partners. Our Supplier & Business Partner Code of Conduct sets out minimum requirements and understanding and complying with it is mandatory for everyone working for or in any other way providing products, services or works to Sweco. 

Compliance for Sweco business partners

The document is for you who would like to become a Sweco business partner and can be printed to keep as memory support.

  1. Compliance program for business partners document

Business partner assessment

This questionnaire should be used in export projects. For other projects, please reach out to your contact person.

  1. Business partner assessment

Sweco ethics line

Sweco ethics line is a phone and web-based service that provides the option of anonymously reporting suspected non-compliance with business ethics standards.

If you suspect non-compliance at Sweco and want to report it, please enter the following link and use the access code 09973.

For more information on how Sweco processes your personal data when you file a report through ethics line, please click here.

Sweco data privacy statement and notice

The privacy statement shows you Sweco’s general principles for protecting data privacy. In the privacy notice Sweco sets out what personal data we collect and use from our clients and valued relations, for what purposes and to whom these personal data may be disclosed by us in the context of our relation. Further, this privacy notice includes information regarding the individuals’ rights with respect to the processing of their personal data.

  1. Sweco privacy statement
  2. Sweco privacy notice

Business ethics documents

Code of Conduct

Sweco’s Code of Conduct is the collective ethical policy to ensure responsible conduct on the part of Sweco’s employees.

Supplier & Business partner code of conduct

Sweco’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners is the collective ethical policy to ensure responsible conduct on the part of Sweco’s suppliers and business partners.

Sponsorship policy

Download the below document to read about Sweco’s sponsorship policy.

Gifts, hospitality and entertainment policy

Download the below document to read Sweco’s policy for gifts and business entertainment.

Anti-bribery and corruption policy

Read the document below about Sweco’s anti-bribery and corruption policy.

Ethical dilemmas

Read the document below to familiarise yourself with the ethical business dilemmas we generally discuss with our Business Partners.

Certificate of Approval

All of Sweco’s home markets are certified. The certificate is handled in each country.Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania are included in the multicertificate for Sweco group.

Business partner assessment

Download the document below to access Sweco Business Partner Assessment. The document should be used in export projects.

Let us connect

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