Climate Action
The effects of the climate crisis are being felt daily by citizens around the world. Specific knowledge and data are needed to plan and build safe and resilient future urban environments. As climate change increasingly brings flood warnings and more extreme weather conditions, special measures to ready our urban environments and societies need to be taken.
Reports full of actionable insights
Urban Insight is based on a number of insight reports written by Sweco’s experts, based on data, fact and science. These insights will be shared throughout the year in a series on Urban Insight website. Global and local initiatives will be organised during the year to inspire, and to open up for discussions about sustainable urban planning. During 2020 within the theme Climate Action we will share more data, facts and insights about how we together create a sustainable future, starting today.
“By designing climate adaptive cities you can add a lot of value.”
“Failure to take action can be very costly,” warns Martijn Steenstra, climate adaptation expert at Sweco. Climate adaptation is not something that can be achieved by carrying out adaptation projects. It needs to be integrated into each and every project in the city today.

Report: Going circular – A vision for the urban transition
The way we look at nature shapes our actions and how we relate to our surroundings. The population in urban areas will grow by nearly 2.5 billion people in the next decade. By enabling a circular approach, we can create unique urban environments and make a key contribution to mitigate and manage the consequences of climate change. This report describes circular actions and the aesthetic effects of such actions – how circular design helps to create unique urban environments for all citizens.

Report: Planning for Climate Adaptation
Only 26% of cities have an adaptation plan – none have managed full-scale adaptation. The costs of extreme events are damaging and significant, many of which can cause cascading impacts on the economy, natural ecosystems, infrastructure, and our most vulnerable communities. This report combines insights and expertise from multiple disciplines and explores the challenges facing climate adaptation.

Report: Building in biodiversity: For climate, for health
Our cities: Ecological deserts or biodiverse hotspots? According to the 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, around 1 million animal and plant species are currently threatened with extinction. This report finds that the health of the ecosystems we depend on is deteriorating more rapidly than ever, affecting the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide. In this Urban Insight report, experts show how urban design can make our cities part of the solution.

Report: Building resilience: being young and getting old in a hotter Europe
As we face heat events of higher intensity and frequency and live in increasingly dense urban neighbourhoods, we must ask ourselves how to best design our living environments for the most vulnerable citizens – our children and the elderly.

Report: Neighbourhoods of tomorrow – Mastering densification and climate resilience
A new report by Sweco ‘Neighbourhoods of Tomorrow’ looks to climate actions that should be taken in order to create a story of success as we look back from 2050 to today.

Report: Carbon Cost in Infrastructure: the Key to the Climate Crisis?
Just how large an effect does infrastructure building, operation and use have on our climate today? In the report, Carbon Cost in Infrastructure: The Key to the Climate Crisis? Experts explore ways in which we can minimise carbon emissions and cost, to reach net zero.