Acquisition-driven growth
Growth in net sales in local currencies, based on acquired businesses.
Acquisition-related items
Amortisation and impairment of goodwill and acquisition-related intangible assets, revaluation of additional purchase price, and profit and loss on the divestment of companies, operations, buildings and land, as well as expensed costs for future service.
Billing ratio
Billable hours in relation to total hours of attendance for all employees.
Capital employed
Total assets less interest-free current and non-current liabilities and deferred tax liabilities.
Cash flow per share
Cash flow for the period divided by the average number of shares outstanding (excluding treasury shares).
Debt/equity ratio
Interest-bearing liabilities excluding leasing liabilities in relation to shareholders’ equity.
Dividend yield
The year’s dividend per share in relation to the closing price for the Sweco class B share.
Earnings per share
Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Parent Company divided by the average number of shares outstanding (excluding treasury shares).
Earnings before Interest, Taxes and Acquisition-related items, under which all leases are treated as operating leases whereby the total cost of the lease affects EBITA.
EBITA margin
EBITA in relation to Net sales.
Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & amortisation and Acquisition-related items, under which all leases are treated as operating leases whereby the total cost of the lease affects EBITDA
EBITDA margin
EBITDA in relation to Net sales.
Employee turnover rate
The number of employees who left the Group during the year in relation to the average number of employees.
Equity/assets ratio
Shareholders’ equity in relation to total assets.
Equity per share
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company divided by the number of shares outstanding (excluding treasury shares) at the end of the period.
Extraordinary items
Consists of extraordinary transaction, integration and restructuring costs of acquired operations.
Growth, currency effects
Effect of exchange rate changes on net sales growth.
International Accounting Standards.
International Financial Reporting Standards.
Interest coverage ratio
Profit after net financial items under which all leases are treated as operating leases plus financial expenses excluding interest cost of leasing divided by financial expenses excluding interest cost of leasing.
Market capitalisation
The year’s closing price for the Sweco class A and class B share multiplied by the number of shares outstanding in each class.
Net debt
Financial debt (comprised almost exclusively of interest-bearing bank debt) less cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments. Lease liabilities are excluded from net debt.
Net debt/EBITDA
Net debt divided by EBITDA.
Net debt/equity ratio
Net debt divided by shareholders’ equity.
Normal working hours
The potential number of hours, according to the calendar, that a full-time employee could work if he/she is not absent and does not work overtime.
Number of employees
Number of individuals employed at the end of the period.
Number of full-time employees (FTEs)
Hours of attendance plus hours of absence (excluding long-term absence) divided by normal working hours.
Operating margin
Operating profit (EBIT) in relation to net sales.
Operating profit (EBIT)
Profit before net financial items and tax.
Operating profit per employee
Operating profit (EBIT) divided by the number of full-time employees.
Organic growth
Growth of net sales in local currencies, excluding the impact of acquisitions and divestments.
Organic growth adjusted for calendar
Growth of net sales in local currencies, excluding the impact of acquisitions and divestments and excluding calendar effect.
Profit margin
Profit before tax in relation to net sales.
Return on capital employed
Profit after net financial items plus financial expenses in relation to average capital employed.
Return on equity
Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Parent Company in relation to average equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company.
Return on total assets
Profit after net financial items plus financial expenses in relation to average total assets.
Total shareholder return
Share price performance including reinvested dividends.
Value added per employee
Operating profit plus personnel costs divided by the full-time equivalents.
Financial reports
Sweco’s financial reports are available for download.

The Sweco share
The Sweco share has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1998.
IR contacts
If you have any questions, please reach out to our IR team.