Water, energy and industry

The key drivers for sustainable urban development are strong in Europe. This increases demand for technological solutions to ensure access to clean water, create a reliable and sustainable energy supply, and build resource-efficient industrial facilities.

Sweco’s services in water, energy and industry


Sweco’s energy experts know how energy is produced, distributed where it’s needed and consumed as efficiently as possible.

  • Energy production studies
  • Transmission and distribution planning
  • Energy market analysis
  • Energy optimisation advice


Sweco’s experts manage water for a variety of situations, ranging from providing access to clean water to protecting societies from flooding.

  • Water and wastewater engineering services
  • Water resource planning
  • Urban water management
  • Design of flood protection structures
Experts from Sweco discussing water engineering in a tunnel underground


Sweco’s environmental specialists create habitable environments that are not harmful through measures including reducing the presence of toxins and effective waste management.

  • Waste management planning and advice on remediation of contaminated areas
  • Environmental studies and impact assessments
  • Services related to chemical substances and associated legislation


Sweco’s IT experts manage and process data produced by the city to streamline everything from transportation to water flows.

  • Systems development and big data
  • Data coordination and BIM
  • 3D visualisation and geographical analyses
  • Strategy and operational support
Digital expertise consultants in front of a screen


Sweco’s industrial consultants improve effective and resource-efficient production in all industrial operations.

  • Process engineering services
  • Plant design (electricity, automation, mechanics, piping)
  • Logistics planning and project management
A Sweco consultant looking at shiny steel pipes on a construction site

Where expertise in water, energy and industry comes together

Sweco actively supports the energy transition by bringing together expertise in a range of areas of strategic importance for energy supply. These range from renewable energy production, expansion of the electricity transmission and distribution grid, efficient energy consumption, and technological development in areas such as hydrogen energy storage, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and utilisation (CCU).

Cross-border collaboration

With in-depth collaboration with energy and industrial clients across several European markets, Sweco can work interdisciplinarily and draw advantage from experiences from project to project, which benefits the pace of innovation as well as project economy. With a high level of technological expertise and well-established processes in industrial conversion, energy- and resource-efficient solutions are applied in many parts of the manufacturing, process and pharmaceutical industries.

Water management

Sweco’s experts also support public and private clients in the growing field of water management. This ranges from providing access to clean water and managing process water, to providing flood protection.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In water, energy and industry, Sweco’s main contribution is to UN global goals SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 7: Sustainable Energy, and SDG 9: Sustainable Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

Eternally renewable

Access to clean water, a reliable energy supply and resource-efficient industrial facilities are examples of how Sweco’s experts help transform society together with our clients. Our experts within water, energy and industry have what it takes to handle challenges under evolving circumstances.

Eternally renewable

Access to clean water, a reliable energy supply and resource-efficient industrial facilities are examples of how Sweco’s experts help transform society together with our clients. Our experts within water, energy and industry have what it takes to handle challenges under evolving circumstances.