The Board has delegated to the President & CEO the responsibility for day-to-day business operations of the company and the Group. The President & CEO supervises the business operations within the framework determined by the Board. The Board has also established instructions governing the division of responsibilities between the Board and the President & CEO, which are updated and adopted annually.

The President & CEO has appointed an Executive Team with day-to-day responsibility for various aspects of the Group’s operation. Sweco’s Executive Team meets regularly to discuss matters such as the Group’s financial performance, group business priorities, group-wide development projects, together with various other strategic and operational issues. Sweco’s Executive Team comprises of the President & CEO, the CFO, the eight Business Area Presidents and the heads of Group Staff functions.

Sweco Åsa Bergman

Åsa Bergman

President and CEO, Board Member
Olof Stålnacke Chief Financial Officer, Sweco

Olof Stålnacke

Chief Financial Officer
Lisa Lagerwall General Counsel, Sweco

Lisa Lagerwall

General Counsel

Sam Saatchi

Chief Strategy Officer
Helene Hasselskog, Chief HR Officer at Sweco

Helene Hasselskog

Chief HR Officer

Marcela Sylvander

Chief Communications Officer
Ann-Louise Lökholm Klasson, President Sweco Sweden

Ann-Louise Lökholm Klasson

President Sweco Sweden

Thomas Hietto

President Sweco Finland

Rasmus Nord

President Sweco Norway
Dariush Rezai, President Sweco Denmark

Dariush Rezai

President Sweco Denmark
Eugene Grüter, President Sweco Netherlands

Eugene Grüter

President Sweco Netherlands
Erwin Malcorps President, Sweco Belgium

Erwin Malcorps

President Sweco Belgium
Julia Zantke, President Sweco Germany and Central Europe

Julia Zantke

President Sweco Germany and Central Europe
Max Joy, President Sweco UK

Max Joy

President Sweco UK