The Board is responsible for the company’s organisation and management of the company’s affairs, which includes both financial- and sustainability-related targets and strategies. The Board shall continuously monitor the financial situation of the company and the Group and shall ensure that the company is organised in such a way that its accounting, cash management and other financial circumstances can be adequately controlled. The Board shall also ensure that its performance is evaluated on an annual basis through a systematic and structured process.
The Board’s rules of procedures, including instructions for the division of responsibilities between the Board and the President & CEO, are updated and adopted annually. The rules of procedure regulate the Board’s obligations, the division of responsibilities within the Board, the minimum number of Board meetings, the annual agenda and main topic of each meeting, instructions for preparing the agenda and background documentation for decisions.
The Chair of the Board supervises the work of the Board and is responsible for ensuring that the Board carries out its responsibilities in an organised and efficient manner. The Chair continuously monitors the Group’s development through ongoing contact with the President & CEO.
The duties of the Board are partly exercised through its Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee.
Composition of the Board
The Board is comprised of seven ordinary members elected by the AGM and three employee representatives, with three union-appointed deputies.. The AGM-elected Board members serve for a one-year period through the conclusion of the following year’s AGM. With the exception of the President & CEO (Åsa Bergman), none of the AGM-elected Board members have an operational role in the company. Six of the AGM-elected Board members are of Swedish nationality and one of German nationality. There are three female and four male AGM-elected Board members. With the exception of President & CEO Åsa Bergman, all AGM-elected Board members are independent in relation to Sweco. With the exception of Johan Hjertonsson, Johan Nordström and Johan Wall, the AGM-elected Board members are independent in relation to major shareholders.

Johan Nordström
Chairman of the Board
Åsa Bergman
President and CEO, Board Member
Alf Göransson
Board Member
Johan Hjertonsson
Board Member
Susanne Pahlén Åklundh
Board Member
Johan Wall
Board Member
Christine Wolff
Board MemberEmployee Representatives

Görgen Edenhagen
Employee Representative
Maria Ekh
Employee Representative
Anna Leonsson
Employee RepresentativeDeputy members
Information about directors’ holdings in Sweco and other positions of trust are updated annually and published in Sweco’s latest Annual and Sustainability Report.
Work of the Board
For more information about the Board, inter alia regarding the work of the Board, evaluation of the Board’s performance, the Board committees (Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee), please see the latest corporate governance report that is available here.