Sweco to plan a new sustainable district for Rwanda’s capital Kigali
Rwanda’s government plans to develop a new district for low and middle-income residents in Kigali. The project is part of the state strategy for the development of sustainable and energy-efficient living spaces.
“Sweco will work closely together with residents and public authorities to support the implementation of Rwanda’s sustainability strategy. The aim is to provide liveable, well-serviced and connected urban and rural settlements. By offering affordable and social housing, residents with low and middle incomes will benefit in particular from the project,” advises Ina Brandes, President of Sweco Germany & Central Europe.
In the first project stage, Sweco will conduct a feasibility study for the development of the new district “Kinyinya Hill” and develop an implementation framework. In the second project stage, Sweco will launch and manage on behalf of Rwanda’s Green Fund, FONERWA, an international urban planning and architectural design competition. In the third stage, Sweco is expected to supervise the realization of the urban development concept, which is estimated to be completed in 2020.
Sweco experts from Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden will collaborate on the project with Sweco Germany as Lead Consultant. The project is financed by way of a German bilateral development cooperation, KfW Development Bank, and the Green Climate Fund.
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Anna Elisabeth Olsson
Head of Press and Public Affairs