Sweco closes the acquisition of the FMC Group and transfers treasury shares

February 1, 2012 | Press release


Sweco has closed the acquisition of the Finnish engineering consultancy FMC Group and has transferred 795 000 class B treasury shares as partial consideration for the acquisition.

By virtue of authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors of Sweco therefore resolved on 31 January 2012 to transfer 795 000 class B treasury shares. The transfer was to be carried out on the same day and was made for a price per share corresponding to the last price paid for the Sweco class B share on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm on 31 January 2012 (59 SEK). In exchange for the shares, Sweco received capital contributed in kind consisting of shares in FMC Group’s parent company Finnmap Consulting Oy.

Sweco’s transfer of class B treasury shares for the above-mentioned price means that the final enterprise value is 65.8 MEUR.

Sweco’s holding of treasury shares amounted to 797 020 class B shares before the transfer and therefore 2 020 class B shares thereafter. The total number of shares in Sweco amounts to 91 516 847, divided by 9 385 676 class A shares and 82 131 171 class B shares.

By acquiring FMC Group with 1 100 employees, the second largest engineering consultancy on the Finnish market is created. For more information on the acquisition of FMC Group, please see Sweco’s press release of 19 December 2011.

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Anna Elisabeth Olsson

Head of Press and Public Affairs