Sweco to upgrade District Heating System in Ukraine

February 11, 2010 | Press release

Sweco has been chosen to support the Odessa District Heating Company in renovation and upgrading of the city’s outdated district heating system. The modernisation will lead to more efficient operation and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases. The contract is worth over EUR 591,000.

“The contract is further proof that our engineers with energy and environmental expertise are in high demand around the world,” says Eva Nygren, President of Sweco Sweden.

Sweco has longstanding experience in assisting public authorities and companies in need of help to modernise their systems and strengthen their capacity to manage and steer their operations.

In this assignment, Sweco will support the Odessa District Heating Company throughout the modernisation process, from development of workflow proposals, procurement of contractors and project supervision to onsite training of staff to operate the district heating network more efficiently.

Sweco’s contributions will be financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EBRD.

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Anna Elisabeth Olsson

Head of Press and Public Affairs