Sweco to plan new LRT line in Lund

December 18, 2013 | Press release

Sweco has been commissioned by the Municipality of Lund to plan a new light rail transit (LRT) line between Lund’s central station and Science Village (ESS). The contract is worth a total of at least SEK 20 million.

“This initiative is of major importance for Lund’s development as an attractive and sustainable city. It is exciting to see how Sweco’s efforts can contribute to simplifying life for commuters in an expansive region,” says Johan Dozzi, President of Sweco Infrastructure.

The new LRT line will consist of just over five kilometres of line with nine stops. Streets and pedestrian and bicycle paths will be rebuilt in connection with the new LRT line for greater accessibility. In the assignment, Sweco’s infrastructure consultants will provide wide-ranging expertise in street planning, geotechnical engineering, measurement technology and landscape architecture. The assignment will be carried out as a joint venture together with the Spanish consulting company IDOM.

Sweco’s assignment will run throughout 2014 and the new LRT line is expected to be ready for operation at year-end 2017.

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Anna Elisabeth Olsson

Head of Press and Public Affairs