Sweco to design large shopping centre in St. Petersburg

September 24, 2013 | Press release

Sweco has been chosen for structural engineering of the new Okhta Mall shopping centre in St. Petersburg. The end result will be a centrally located centre of a high international standard, with a total area of 142,000 square metres.

“The assignment strengthens our position as a reliable and competent partner in the growing construction market in St. Petersburg. We are proud to once again have been entrusted by the client to plan a large shopping centre of a high international standard,” says Markku Varis, President of Sweco Finland.

The client, SRV Development, has previously used Sweco’s services for structural engineering of the Pearl Plaza shopping centre that was recently inaugurated in St. Petersburg. Under the new contract, Sweco will be responsible for structural engineering of Okhta Mall, a centrally located shopping centre with a total area of 142,000 square metres. Sweco’s assignment will begin immediately.

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Anna Elisabeth Olsson

Head of Press and Public Affairs