SWECO plans for sustainable electricity supply in Angola

March 8, 2007 | Press release

SWECO is increasing its market presence in Africa’s energy sector. In a new project worth about 1 million EURO, SWECO will draw up a proposal for how the excess electrical power from the hydro-electrical power stations in northern Angola can meet the needs of the country’s central region.

Angola’s rapid development, particularly in agriculture and industry, generates a great need for a reliable electrical power system. SWECO has therefore been assigned the task of analysing and proposing measures to ensure that future investments in the country’s energy system will be sustainable in the long term. The study will also describe the electrical network system required to supply the central region with reliable electrical power.

”We work with several similar projects in various countries in Africa. It is a pleasure to add yet another country to the list of those for which we participate in the expansive and exciting development taking place throughout the entire continent of Africa,” says Anders Ståhl, Head of International Operations at SWECO Energuide.

The assignment also includes project planning for and procurement of a new power line between the cities of Gabela and Quileva in the outskirts of Lobito. The potential for connections with neighbouring countries will also be investigated.

The project will last 15 months. The study has been ordered by power company Empresa Nacional de Electricidade E. P. (ENE).

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Anna Elisabeth Olsson

Head of Press and Public Affairs