Sweco moves to Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap
Today, Nasdaq announced that Sweco will be moved to Nasdaq Stockholm’s Large Cap segment. The move will take place on January 4, 2016.
Large Cap is Nasdaq Stockholm’s list of companies with a market capitalisation above EUR 1 billion, corresponding to approximately SEK 9 billion. Sweco currently has a market capitalisation of more than SEK 14 billion.
“We are proud of the move to the Large Cap segment. It is a milestone on Sweco’s journey. We have grown quickly, doubling our sales every five years on average. The core of our business, planning and designing the communities and cities of the future, is driven by megatrends such as urbanisation and the need for climate adaptation. It is not difficult to recognise that there will be a long-term need for the services we offer,” says Tomas Carlsson, President and CEO of Sweco.
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Anna Elisabeth Olsson
Head of Press and Public Affairs