Suspicion of improprieties in tender process

November 28, 2012 | Press release

In an internal investigation, Sweco has found strong suspicion of improprieties in a tender process. This regards Sweco’s submission of two tenders within an international water and environmental project, financed by aid agencies and the World Bank. Individuals belonging to Sweco are suspected of having used methods violating the company’s policy and rules.

“We have found indications that the individuals in question have acted in violation of our business ethics rules, which is completely unacceptable and we take a very serious view of this incident,” says Mats Wäppling, President and CEO of Sweco.

Local authorities have stopped the tender process. Sweco intends to cooperate fully with a review of these matters that is being conducted by the World Bank. Sweco will also proceed with its internal investigation to get to the bottom of what happened.

“We carry out around 30,000 assignments per year and all are covered by our CSR policy and our business ethics rules. We will now take forceful action by reviewing our internal processes and our internal control to prevent this from happening again,” says Mats Wäppling.

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Anna Elisabeth Olsson

Head of Press and Public Affairs