Change in number of shares and votes in SWECO AB (publ)

May 30, 2014 | Press release

As part of the Share Bonus Scheme 2014, the Annual General Meeting of SWECO AB (publ) resolved on 16 April 2014 to issue new class C shares. After registration of the new share issue of 900,000 class C shares, there are, as of 30 May 2014, in total 92,416,847 shares, of which 9,368,164 class A shares, 82,148,683 class B shares and 900,000 class C shares, representing 17,673,032.3 votes in the company. The registered share capital, after the registration of the new shares issue, is SEK 92,416,847.

On the date of publication of this information, Sweco holds 511 416 class B shares and 900,000 Class C shares, in total 1 411 416 shares in treasury. However, Sweco has no voting rights for the class B and class C treasury shares.

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Anna Elisabeth Olsson

Head of Press and Public Affairs