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Do you ever imagine what the urban areas of the future will look like? We do no different. Every day. This is what we would like to share with you. How we design and develop this city together with our clients. Stories about great collaborations, cases, ideas and solutions. We like to inspire you with our stories, columns and news items.

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The regenerative neighbourhood

Regenerative Neighbourhoods

Biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate. By increasing urban green-blue areas and applying regenerative principles, cities can unlock benefits like increased carbon capture, better air quality, cooler temperatures and enhanced public health. 42%—that’s the potential for increasing urban green-blue cover, according to a Sweco study of 22 cities in Europe. Read more

COP16 Colombia

Key takeaways from Biodiversity COP16

Sweco has attended the Biodiversity COP16 in Cali, Colombia. Having just gotten back from the negotiations at the summit, Andreas Gyllenhammar, Chief Sustainability Officer at Sweco shares an overview of the discussions and key takeaways. Read more

Images of city

What to expect from the Biodiversity COP16?

On 21 October – 1 November 2024, climate policy makers, scientists, civil society, journalists and the business sector all gather for two weeks in Cali, Colombia, for the biennial UN summit on biodiversity. What are the stakes at the Biodiversity COP16? And what results can we expect? Read more

Offshore wind

From seas to cities: Sweco aids expansion of German grid

Germany is on a path to transform its energy landscape to achieve climate neutrality by 2045. Central to this endeavour is the expansion of offshore wind power in the country, aiming to increase capacity from the current level of 8.1 GW to upwards of 70 GW in the coming decades. Read more

Andreas Gyllenhammar, Chief Sustainability Officer, Sweco

Halftime to the 2030 Agenda

Andreas Gyllenhammar, Chief Sustainability Officer at Sweco has been following the progress on the 2030 Agenda since the launch of the 17 SDGs. We met with Andreas to discuss what has been achieved so far, and what needs to happen to ensure that the SDGs can be kept. Read more

Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals

As Europe’s leading architecture and engineering consultancy, Sweco actively supports the world’s commitment to achieving the necessary transition in society as set forth in the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030. Read more