Hagströmer & Qviberg and Cazenove receive assignment to place SWECO shares
Hagströmer & Qviberg and Cazenove receive assignment to place SWECO
CapMan has requested that Hagströmer & Qviberg and Cazenove consider a
placement of shares in Sweco AB (publ) (“Sweco”) through a book-building
In addition, leading executives at SWECO, who together hold 340,000
warrants with a duration until 30/6 2004 that give rights to 394,740
shares, have requested Hagströmer & Qviberg and Cazenove consider a
simultaneous placement of those shares in SWECO to which the warrants
give rights.
SWECO är Nordens ledande konsultföretag med samlad kunskap inom teknik,
miljö och arkitektur: SWECO FFNS, SWECO BLOCO, SWECO Theorells, SWECO
VBB, SWECO VIAK, SWECO Projektledning, SWECO Industriteknik, SWECO
Position, SWECO Energuide SWECO Connect, SWECO Grøner och PIC
Engineering. SWECO-aktien är noterad på O-listan vid Stockholmsbörsen.
For further information contact:
Wigon Thuresson, Managing Director and CEO of SWECO, +46-8-695 60 00
Bo Jansson, Financial Director of SWECO, +46-8-695 60 00
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Anna Elisabeth Olsson
Head of Press and Public Affairs