Sweco strives to provide shareholders, financial analysts, investors, the media and other interested parties with simultaneous, timely, clear and consistent information about the Group’s operations, financial position and development. Sweco has an information policy that is part of the internal control environment and ensures that Sweco meets the requirements imposed on listed companies.

Sweco regularly provides the market with financial information in the form of:

  • Interim and annual reports published in Swedish and English
  • Press releases in Swedish and English on news and events
  • Teleconferences and presentations for shareholders, financial analysts, investors and the media in connection with the publication of interim and annual reports
  • Capital Market Days
  • Regular digital and physical meetings with the media, investors and analysts in Sweden and around the world throughout the year.

When interim reports, annual reports and press releases are published in printed form, the material is simultaneously published on the corporate website (www.swecogroup.com), which also contains a large volume of other information that is updated on a regular basis.