Culture and sports

Architecture for culture and sports – environments designed for communal experiences

Expectation, frustration, and euphoria – We work to create large spaces for strong emotions, providing room for activity and escapism, such as the theatre, church, arena, football field, or concert hall. These are environments designed for shared experiences, where people come together in joy or sorrow. It can be the joy of a home team’s victory or the exhilaration of feeling the bass vibrate in your body at a concert. But it can also be the sense of community in existential rituals when we lose someone we love.

Architecture for added value in everything from theater to sports halls

Architecture for culture and sports is about inspiring, well-proportioned, beautiful spaces with logical connections, which together create a place that provides a great overall experience. Spaces for culture and sports can be designed more freely than many other types of buildings. We take advantage of the opportunities to create spaces for all the senses. Cultural and sports facilities are invigorating for society, and this should be reflected in the design.

For us, the question of a sustainable society is not just about beautiful, inspiring buildings with healthy material choices and smart, efficient energy systems. It is also a question of social sustainability. We take on something larger than the tangible project, such as supporting everyone’s need for physical activity and well-being, creating equal opportunities, or improving integration and fostering a greater sense of community.

A broad project palette in culture and sports architecture

Sweco’s architects have a wide range of expertise that can contribute market knowledge, ideas, contacts, and the right skills. We work creatively and innovatively to create flexible environments adapted to a population with changing behaviours and needs. Each project is unique and requires an understanding of local conditions and the client’s operations. With a combination of innovative thinking, experience, and knowledge, we can achieve climate-smart, successful results that create space for life’s strong emotions.


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