Podcast series
Welcome to the Urban Insight podcast – where science, facts, data and expertise mix with entertainment and an interest in planning and developing future sustainable societies.
Enjoy our podcast series highlighting key actions to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and beyond
Together with Andreas Gyllenhammar, Chief Sustainability Officer at Sweco, we invite guests from the world of science as well as the business community, citizens, and political decision-makers. We focus on the biggest challenges of our time, exploring the citizens perspective and highlighting best practises from frontrunner cities and organisations around the globe. We discuss the best solutions and how to scale up together.
How to plan and design sustainable cities and societies of the future? Sweco guide the way.
Going Circular in Europe
Urban Insight by Sweco Podcast Series

Adopting a circular economy in Europe
While the race is on to reduce emissions in Europe’s cities, how can they create a long-term net-zero future and move to a circular economy. We look at what’s required to make this shift in mindset and how cities should start going about this work. While there are several common challenges that all cities face, it is also clear that cities are uniquely positioned to drive this transition.
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Preventing Overshoot Day
Urban Insight by Sweco Podcast Series

Beyond Overshoot Day
We’re living as if we had 1.75 planets to work from. Our ecosystems can’t regenerate in line with the amount of resources we’re using. So, how do we change that and create truly circular societies. In this podcast, we put the focus on what cities can do to stop ‘overshoot day.’
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Healthy cities for the next generation
Urban Insight by Sweco Podcast Series

Sustainable urban environments for future generations
Everything we plan and build in cities should last for generations. But are our cities really fit for the next generation? How do we shape our cities so that they will be healthy places for children and their families to grow up in?
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Building Back Better
Urban Insight by Sweco Podcast Series

Building back better for a resilient future
A city the size of Paris must be built every week for the next 30 years to accommodate global population growth. How do we rebuild our cities and towns in the face of climate change?
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Sustainability loves Digital
Urban Insight by Sweco Podcast Series

Pioneering sustainable design with digital tools
New regulations and laws put increasing demands for reducing climate impact in construction projects. Is there a way for construction development to make strategic decisions to reduce climate impact already in the first stages of planning?
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The world´s healthiest building
Urban Insight by Sweco Podcast Series

Foundations of health: Raising the bar for future urban living
Let´s build the worlds healthiest building. What would you need to make that claim? What makes a building healthy and how do you build one?
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