Mapping of circular urban economy cases across Europe –results webinar

4 June, 15:00-17:00 CET, online

Accelerating a circular economy in European cities and towns

The webinar provides an opportunity to delve into a comprehensive mapping of European city practices in urban circular transitions.

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Mapping of circular economy cases

In spring 2023, the Circular Urban Economies Transition Pathway of the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership initiated a mapping of best-practice cases of circular urban economies in European cities. Over the past year, a team of experts from consultancy firm Sweco Sweden and Belgium led a data collection process on practical experiences in circular urban transitions.

Read more about the project and contribute: Share a example of circular urban economy in Europe

About the event

During the webinar, attendees will gain insights into the structured outline of this project, including the bottom-up, Power BI-driven methodology used to collect and compile circular urban economy cases. Additionally, attendees will have the chance to delve deeper into specific aspects of the topic at hand and interact directly with a panel of urban circularity experts.

This webinar, where the mapping team presents their results, is directed to a broad audience interested in learning from and exchanging insights on the practices of European cities for the circular transition.

More information on the agenda and speakers will be available soon.