Net-zero by 2040 – at the latest


Towards net-zero by 2040

Sweco’s goal is to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in its upstream value chain and own operations by 2040 and halve the company’s emissions by 2030. The path to achieving this is based on country-specific targets, with each business area formulating a roadmap and climate transition plan.

Sweco’s operations are comprised of consultancy services enabling clients with the climate transition in areas including energy, industry, resource use and transportations infrastructure. Sweco’s targets and emissions reporting are limited to the environmental and climate impact that occurs upstream in the value chain (suppliers), as well as in our own operations. Impact from advisory and consulting services in projects is part of Sweco’s downstream chain (clients) and is not included in current climate targets and emissions reductions.


Climate targets based on the latest science

Sweco adheres to the “Business Ambition for 1.5°C” and has set climate targets aligned with what is required to limit global warming to 1.5°C. In 2024, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated and approved Sweco’s near-term targets for 2030. Targets cover Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and are well in line with the latest science and the Carbon Law.

Sweco follows the Carbon Law, developed by the Stockholm Resilience Centre, which involves halving the company’s emissions every decade. The near-term targets are consistent with the Carbon Law and halving total emissions by 2030.


Sweco’s SBTi-approved targets

Emissions reductions in Scope 1 and 2 by 2030:

90 %

Sweco commits to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emisisons by 90 per cent by 2030 from a 2020 base year.

Emissions reductions in Scope 3 by 2030:

30 %

Sweco also commits to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel- and energy-related activities, waste management, business travel and employee commuting by 30 per cent by within the same timeframe.

Our base year:


Sweco’s emissions reductions are measured against 2020 levels

“We are pleased to have our near-term climate targets validated by SBTi. This is a testimony to Sweco’s climate action ambitions.” – Åsa Bergman, President and CEO, Sweco


Net-zero by 2040

Sweco’s long-term climate neutrality target has been reformulated as a net-zero emissions target to better reflect the company’s operations, current requirements and established standards for emissions reporting. By 2040 Sweco will have no net greenhouse gas emissions. The target will be achieved by reducing absolute emissions from Sweco’s own operations by at least 90 per cent by 2040, as compared with 2020 levels. The remaining emissions reductions, down to zero, will be achieved through supplemental permanent measures such as carbon sinks or fossil-origin carbon capture and storage.

Key actions for emissions reductions

  1. Decrease energy consumption at the offices and improve energy-efficiency.
  2. Transition to renewable energy contracts at Sweco’s offices.
  3. Electrification of the vehicle fleet across Group
  4. Supplier engagement and requirements to lower emissions from purchased goods and services
  5. Motivate and incentivise employees to contribute to low-carbon business travel and commuting


Illustration of trajectory for emissions reductions - Scope 3
Illustration of trajectory for emissions reductions - Scope 3

Outcomes in brief

  • In 2023, an inventory of Scope 3 emissions was conducted to identify material scope 3 categories across the Group. As a consequence, additional emission categories were added during 2023. All entities within Sweco are now required to report on all material emission categories decided by Group. Due to the expanded Scope 3 coverage and growth due to aquisitions since 2020, a recalculation of prior years 2020-2023 was conducted. This means that the total emissions are higher compared to previously reported emissions.
  • 66,449 tonnes CO2e in Scopes 1, 2 and 3 in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (64,692)
  • Sweco’s operations have grown both organically and through acquisitions since base year 2020, which has also led to increased emission levels. However, Sweco’s emission intensity of 3.3 tonnes CO2e per FTE decreased by 4 per cent in 2023 compared to 2020. The reduction is mainly due to measures taken in Scope 1 and 2.
  • Scope 1 and 2 emissions decreased with 3 per cent compared to previous year.
  • The share of electric and hybrid vehicles increased to 59 per cent in 2023 compared to 42 per cent in 2022.

Sweco and the EU taxonomy

Group greenhouse gas emissions, tonnes CO2e

Scope20232022Base year 2020Share of total emissions 2023, %Change, 2023 vs. 2022, %Change, 2023 vs. 2020, %
Scope 18,7079,14311,61513-5-25
Scope 26,4266,43710,109100-36
Scope 351,31749,11243,66177+4+18
About the GHG Protocol

The GHG Protocol has defined a global standardised framework to measure and manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emisssions within three scopes. Scope 1 and 2 emissions are mandatory part of reporting and relate to direct emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by Sweco, such as company cars, and indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heating and cooling consumed by Sweco. Scope 3 covers other indirect emissions, mandatory and voluntary, that are not included in Scope 2 and occur in the value chain of Sweco, e.g. employees commuting, purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution or waste generated in the operations.

people running in a park

Pathway to climate neutrality

In accordance with our decentralised model, each individual Sweco market has set its own targets, with the requirement to serve as a forerunner in that country. This involves each market formulating a roadmap to achieve climate neutrality ahead of the specific country’s official target. In this way, we ensure that we act ambitiously based on the countries’ individual circumstances. In several markets, the journey to climate neutrality has been proceeding for quite a while. Sweco’s operations in the Czech Republic, for example, have been measuring their climate impact since 2007 and halved their emissions between 2008 and 2019.

Read more about the local climate neutrality goals below.

Sweco’s journey toward climate neutrality 2040


Belgium, Finland, Sweden, UK


  • Green electricity contracts in all offices by 2022
  • External contracts adhere to sustainability goals by 2025
  • Electrified car fleet by 2026
  • No fossil fuel heating systems by 2030
  • Rewrite procurement procedures with sustainability criteria


  • Electrified car fleet by 2030
  • Energy-neutral offices by 2030


  • Fossil-free car fleet by 2023
  • Fossil-free office operations by 2030


  • No domestic flights by 2022
  • Renewable electricity in all offices by 2023
  • Electrified car fleet by 2025 (50 per cent by 2022 and 30 per cent by 2021)


The Netherlands

  • Electrified car fleet by 2030 with the interim target of over 50 per cent electric vehicles by 2025
  • All buildings to be at least energy-neutral by 2030
  • No waste by 2035 with interim target of 50 per cent reduction by 2025



  • A minimum of 55 per cent emissions reduction by 2030


Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland


  • Standard purchasing and procurement updated with sustainability criteria by 2022
  • Green electricity contracts in all offices by 2025
  • Electric car fleet by 2030
  • No offices heated using fossil fuels from 2037
  • Fully electrified car fleet or alternative available in the future by 2040 with an interim target of 50 per cent by 2030

Czech Republic

  • Standard purchasing and procurement updated with sustainability criteria by 2022
  • Green electricity contracts in all offices by 2025
  • No offices heated using fossil fuels from 2037
  • Fully electrified car fleet or alternative available in the future by 2040 with an interim target of 50 per cent by 2030


  • Fossil-free car fleet by 2028 (EV, hydrogen or similar)
  • Emissions from commuting to be reduced 60 per cent between 2020–2030
  • Office’s indirect emissions climate-neutral by 2030


  • 100 per cent green electricity by 2022
  • 50 per cent emissions reduction from traveling by 2030
  • Fossil-free energy consumption by 2040


  • All consumed electricity from renewables by 2035 with interim targets such as 80 per cent by 2030
  • Fully electrified car fleet by 2040 with interim targets of 80 per cent electric cars in 2035, 30 per cent in 2030 and 8 per cent in 2025


  • Single-use plastic ban from 2021
  • Offices than can have green energy contracts should have them by 2022
  • 50 per cent of car fleet electrified by 2030

Sustainability Report

Sustainability forms an integral part of Sweco’s business and strategy.

Transforming society together with our employees

We attach great importance to being an attractive employer for both current and future talent and leaders.

engineers and consultants at construction sight holding blue print

Business ethics

Sweco takes responsibility for our projects and the way we conduct our business.

staircase in sustainable building