Sweco to develop transport routes on Seine and Scheldt rivers

August 12, 2016 | Press release

Sweco has been commissioned by Flemish waterway company Waterwegen en Zeekanaal NV to design and project manage transport route improvements on the Flemish part of the Seine-Scheldt project. The project is valued at approximately EUR 5 million. 

”The regions surrounding the Seine and Scheldt are key European industrial hubs. With Sweco’s broad-based expertise in waterways and ports, we will create conditions for more efficient freight transport along both rivers,” says Erwin Malcorps, Managing Director of Sweco Belgium.

The project is part of an EU-initiative to link the two regions together via a waterway capable of handling significantly larger freight transports than is currently the case, such as container and push-tow navigation. Sweco’s work involves designing solutions to broaden and deepen existing waterways, raise bridges and modernise several locks.

Under the assignment, Sweco will provide expertise in areas spanning from civil design and project management to urban planning. Sweco has extensive experience with waterways and ports throughout Europe, including the raising of bridges across the Albert Canal in Belgium, improving navigability on the Nether-Rhen and Lek Rivers in the Netherlands and STAR-FLOOD, an EU-wide flood protection initiative covering rivers in 18 vulnerable metro regions.

Sweco’s work on the project will continue through August 2020. The project will be carried out as a consortium. 

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Anna Elisabeth Olsson

Head of Press and Public Affairs